CRUSE includes only single stage trips of up to 20 km in a straight line or 30 km route distance. The total number of 2 way trips to work or education on a typical school day for Cavan is 27,268. Because some trips are excluded from the analysis — long distance trips and business trips — the proportion of these ‘POWSCAR’ trips represented in CRUSE is 71% of the total: 19,360 trips.

The population of Cavan is 71,679, meaning that 38% of the population regularly travel to work or study.

The analysis also includes cyclable trips for other purposes: shopping, social and personal, representing 34,290 trips in total.

There were 4,222 recreational cycling trips under the baseline scenario, these are included in the route network results but not in the statistics on this page.

Trips by purpose

Because of the reliability of census-derived POWSCAR data, the statistics on this page focus on these trip purposes. In Cavan, 14,503 daily trips (of <20km length) are represented in CRUSE for travel to work, 7,328 to primary education, 5,069 to secondary education, and 368 to tertiary education. These trips are shown in the graph below.

Trips by mode

The majority of trips to work and study (primary, secondary or tertiary education) are currently made by car (68%). Cycling represented 0.5% of the trips to work and study in the 2016 census.

The mode share of cycling for POWSCAR trips is as follows, based on the Electoral Division in which each trip originates.

Trips by purpose and mode

Trips by purpose and mode are shown for purposes for which we have data from POWSCAR.

Car trips represent 78% of total trips to work. Educational trips have a higher proportion of trips by active modes (walking and cycling).

Trips by distance and mode

In Cavan, the vast majority of cycling trips to work and study are for distances up to 10 kilometers, specifically 88% of the total cycling trips.

The following graphs show how work and educational trips by distance bands and modes of transport vary according to the CRUSE scenarios of future cycle uptake. Cycling trips increase in all of these scenarios, although some are more ambitious than others. The most ambitious scenario is Ebike followed by Go Dutch, Climate Action Plan, and Near Market.