CRUSE: Cycle Route Uptake & Scenario Estimation tool for Ireland

Funded by Transport Infrastructure Ireland. Complete the feedback survey to help improve the tool.

The map shows the % of trips by bike for each county in Ireland at low zoom levels, under different scenarios. At high zoom levels, it shows cycle networks for each scenario. Click on a county to further explore results. Zoom in or type a place name in the search bar to zoom in to see the networks. Use the dropdown menu to select a scenario or route network quietness (a measure of cycle friendliness) or hilliness. See the FAQs for more details.

The map shows simulated cycle touring flows, between counties, at the route network level. These trips are typically longer than the everyday trips. Width represents relative number of trips and colour represents cycle friendliness. Flows in the sea represent ferry crossings. These results only refer to cycling trips (excluding walking).

Click on a county to further explore results

Aim and scope of the CRUSE tool

Transport Infrastructure Ireland commissioned the Institute for Transport Studies (University of Leeds) and AECOM to develop the Cycle Route Uptake and Scenario Estimation (CRUSE) tool to support strategic cycle network planning and investment prioritisation across the Republic of Ireland. The CRUSE tool has been used to develop a number of scenarios for cycle network investment in the Republic of Ireland. The CRUSE tool estimates the potential uptake of a cycle route based on factors such as distance, terrain, and attractiveness. This information can be used to inform decisions about where best to invest in new or improved cycle routes.

Reports and publications

Click on the links below for more detail on the CRUSE tool and its development:

The CRUSE Team

  • Transport Infrastructure Ireland (direction): Dr Suzanne Meade and Dan Brennan.

  • Institute for Transport Studies (University of Leeds) (development): Dr Robin Lovelace, Dr Joey Talbot, Dr Eugeni Vidal-Tortosa, Nathanael Sheehan, and Hussein Mahfouz.

  • AECOM (management): Peter Wright, Gary O’Toole, Ciaran Maguire, and Shane Dunny.


We would like to thank transport and road safety practitioners from the county councils of Limerick, Kildare (Donal Hodgins and Paul McDonald), Kerry (Lucy Curtis and Joyce O’Boyle), and Carlow (Seamus Loughlin and Kieran Cullinane) for their useful feedback on the tool. Thanks also to CycleStreets (Martin Lucas-Smith and Simon Nuttall) for providing data on routes.


You can give feedback on the tool in the online survey.


Send an email to TII with “CRUSE” in the email title.

Short answers to key frequently answered questions (FAQ) are provided below. See the full FAQ page for more details and answers to questions about how the tool works.

What is the CRUSE tool?

The Cycle Route Uptake and Scenarios Estimation (CRUSE) tool is a strategic cycle network planning support tool. It was funded by Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) and builds on the approach used in the Propensity to Cycle Tool (PCT).

What is the purpose of the CRUSE tool?

The CRUSE tool supports strategic cycle network planning to support TII’s remit under the the EU Road Infrastructure Safety Management (RISM) Directive, and to provide cycle flow estimates for TII’s Project Appraisal Guidelines Unit 13.0 on Appraisal of Active Modes PE-PAG-02036.

What can the tool be used for?

The tool’s primary purpose is to support design of joined-up, evidence-based and effective strategic cycle networks. The tool can be used to visualise current cycling levels, highlight gaps in existing networks, compare ‘fast’ and ‘quiet’ networks and to understand how these could change in future, under scenarios of cycling uptake.

How can I access the tool?

CRUSE is a free and publicly available tool that is available at the website for everyone to use.

Which trip purposes are included in the tool?

Commute trips, travel to primary school, travel to secondary school, travel to tertiary education, social trips, personal trips and shopping trips. Recreational trips will soon be added to the tool.

What data does the tool use?

Travel to work and school is based on Central Statistics Office POWSCAR origin-destination data from the 2016 Census. We use Electoral Divisions as the geographical zones between which journeys are defined.


  • Addition of recreational trips in Everyday trips network and county level results
  • New Cycle tourism tab, showing inter-county cycle network
  • New Everyday trips map with the following improvements
    • New dropdown menu enabling visualisation of cycle friendliness, hilliness or cycle flows under different scenarios
    • Zoom-dependent legends for cycle flow layers
    • Geolocate functionality allowing you to search for and zoom to place names
    • Full screen toggle allowing you to view the map in full screen mode
    • Clickable network links allowing you to view attributes of each segment on the cycle network


  • CRUSE stall and presentation at TII National Roads and Greenways Conference 2022, Sligo
  • Slides from the event are available online
  • Audio available online



  • New landing page

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